Return & Refund Policy.

HILTIPS tea gives opportunity for customers to exchange a tea product provided within the original condition. You can drop us an email with details relating to your order or you can bring in your product you wish to return to our branch. Return or the exchange process will be executed according to the policies mentioned below.

Returning policy is valid only if the product is returned within 7 days from the date the product was purchased.

Proof of purchase must be produced in the event of an return to be eligible for returning of a purchased product.

We reserve the full right to refuse exchange of an item if we found that the item is not in the resalable condition.

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erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita.

Please be informed that discounted items can not be returned according to our return policy.

Please note that we only offer exchange offers for a new product and money will not be refunded.

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